
tide turn, not really
01 March 2011

Don't you feel pissed and angry, at the same time with disappointment and blue when you cared for some people but they don't seem to give a damn and you somehow feel that you're not important to them? Do you know how it feels? but they thought too highly of themselves thinking that they're very important to you (actually they were right) and then they start being bossy, irresponsible, talking about you on fackbook or twitter (indirectly of course) whenever something went wrong (yes, you are the one at fault, to such people you'll always be, and they'll never stop for a second to think about what they'd done wrong), etc. then you ended up whining to your other friends but actually you were utterly disappointed that you wanted to loathe them but you can't make yourself to do it because you know that they meant something important to you (unfortunately they don't treat you the same way.. even though they think they did). You get so tired of it and you want to protect yourself from all these shits that you ended up not concerning them anymore and then both parties became strangers. few months/years later, when you are enjoying your life with other good pals that cherish you, all of a sudden they tag you on facebook on some friendship stuffs or poke you on facebook or upload photos that were taken with you centuries ago/ etc etc, otherwise text/inbox/write on your facebook wall "hey long time no see, lets meet up" and stuff like that and then for a moment you thought things turned out better again & you treated them well and do whatever nonsense to please them but few days/weeks later all those shits happen again.

and then one day you thought why not you start a conversation first, things might turn out better and you can go back to those happy moments in the past but the way they replied made you fell off from your chair and the truth somehow hit you on the head emotionally causing you to wonder if you should give up. yes you started the shit again but then the shit stopped there, and we believe it'll happen again because shit always happens.

Look, I'm not trying to get any sympathy from anyone I just want to let these people know how I feel and what I'm thinking so that they'll come and slap me on the face and spit out the truth. and I'm not actually referring to a group of people, I used plural just to make it less obvious. Yeah you get what I mean.. What a good start for the month of March!


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Hell yeah I love performing arts, poppy, eggs, and Gackt Camui! Currently learning to be socialize and avoiding paranoia.
&I am shy, not anti-social. I smile with my eyes and laugh at the little things in life.
I must say, life is not a bed of roses.
Hello to you by the way.